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Why I Registered for the WordCount Blogathon 2013

WordCount Blogathon 2013

After seeing the excitement of last year’s WordCount Blogathon and observing the myriad of tweets in my Twitter stream (albeit with a feeling of jealousy), I decided to take the opportunity to write into my own hands. There’s nothing to it really. Deciding to do something is only half of the battle won. And then there is my sense of guilt for not having seen something through to the end. So I know I have it in me to write a valuable post a day for 30 days and do it properly. There are no more options really, no backing out and no opting for an easier route. I’m in and here are my reasons for joining numerous other bloggers in this creative quest:

Are you doing the WordCount Blogathon 2013? I’d love to hear about your own reasons for participating below. If you haven’t registered just yet or if you need more information, visit WordCount now. The Blogathon is a great way to get motivated about your blog and connect with likeminded bloggers. Who knows where this opportunity may lead?

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